Welcome to my portfolio! These are my current and finished projects in web development and graphic design.
Select a tab to see the corresponding portfolio section.
Links to each web page are included along with a preview, and the source code is available on GitHub.
Galaxy Map
This webpage is an animated galaxy map designed to resemble the Milky Way with labels for each of the major regions.
It features a slow orbital rotation around the center of the galaxy. Animated twinkling stars were included to add visual interest.
The map resizes itself based on the smallest dimension of the viewport, keeping the entire map in view,
except at the largest screen sizes, in which case it is fitted to the full width of the screen.
Future plans include an interactive zoom feature that displays information about points of interest including the Solar System and the Galactic Center.
Launch the website with the button below to see more.
Product Page Demo
This webpage is a demo product page for a fictional corporation, Horizon Technologies, that sells laptop computers.
It features a header with navigation links, a main product image with product info and selection options, a product review section, other product links, and a footer with additional links.
The Horizon Technologies logo and product images are all unique, original assets made by me.
Launch the website with the button below to see more.
Josenberg Aequitas Poster
This poster was inspired by Josenberg Aequitas, a character from my novel series. It was originally created as a school assignment.